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How to plan and design gardens or landscapes: tips


It’s fundamental analyzing the original situation of your customer’s garden and all the aspect that can affect it.
The climate (temperature and precipitation) for example: find out what grows best in your climate. The plants that are meant for gardens in your location's climate will mean less hassle for you and more success in your growing. Consider the sun and shade in the backyard. Some plants require full days of sun in order to thrive, while others prefer the shade.
Examine the soil, slope and water. Mark the place where the water pools or runs after the rain. Note the direction and strength of the wind.
Make a lot of photos so you can choose the best one for you once you’re back at the office.
And listen carefully what the customer wants before giving ideas.

With the information you got, draw a scaled map of the existing garden and plants, add notes and keep a list of the things you want to add or change to the garden. Start from the location closer to the house first.
Write what the good and bad things about the current landscaping.

It’s time to use your knowledge and experience to make some samples of the garden. Planning a garden can be an overwhelming task; creating a garden layout beforehand can ensure that you end up pleased with the finished result.
Choose a purpose for your garden. If it's for beauty then pick your preferences of colour, size, and shape.
Decide whether you want perennials or annuals remembering that perennials become bigger and thicker each year, and annuals require planting each year. Choose plants that adhere to weather conditions of that placement. If the garden area is windy you want hardy plants that can tolerate wind; if the area is sunny you want plants that require sun and not shade.
Calculate the garden dimensions. How much space do you have? How much yard do you want taken up by a garden, and how much do you want left open?

Do your customers have trouble visualizing your landscape designs? Use an Image-Editor to create a “life-like” before and after image of your proposed landscape using a digital photograph of the customer’s house or building. Create a design in just minutes that your customer will easily understand!

Tired of drawing by hand, then spending extra time labeling your drawing and doing quantity take-offs? Use a Planner to quickly create a scaled 2D-site plan that accurately represents the installation of plantings, hardscapes, even irrigation systems. While you are drawing, Planner keeps track of all the plant materials, calculates the area of pavers and other hardscapes, and volume of materials such as mulch or rock. Even creating plant callouts or a legend is quick and easy.